Air Fryer Quorn Sausage and Bean Melt

Golden puff pastry filled with all your faves – Quorn Sausage, baked beans and melty cheese, all cooked in the Air Fryer! Served with a crunchy coleslaw and a bit of green salad making this sausage and bean melt a delicious meal for lunch or dinner.

Serves 2

40 mins


474 cals
(Per serving)

20.7g of fat
(Per serving)


  • 2 Quorn Sausages
  • 100g ready rolled light puff pastry
  • 120g reduced sugar baked beans
  • 20g mature cheddar cheese, grated
  • 1 medium egg
  • 100g white cabbage
  • 5g fresh chives
  • ½ red onion
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 2 tbsp fat free natural yogurt
  • 1 lemon
  • 50g mixed salad


  1. Put the Quorn Sausages in the air fryer and cook on 180 degrees C for 8-10 minutes until piping hot throughout. Remove from the air fryer and cut into rounds then put to one side to cool slightly.
  2. Cut two rectangles from your pastry approximately 12cm x 24cm (if your pastry isn’t ready rolled then roll it out to the thickness of a pound coin before cutting)
  3. Divide your beans between each rectangle – only putting the beans in one half of the rectangle and leaving a 2cm gap around the edge. Then top with the cut sausages and the grated cheese.
  4. Beat the egg then brush the edges of the pastry before folding over the other half of the rectangle to form a square. Press down the edges to seal then press around the edges with a fork to finish.
  5. Brush each pastry with the remaining egg then cut a small hole in the top of each pastry to allow the steam to come out whilst cooking.
  6. Place in the air fryer and cook at 180 degrees C for 15-20 minutes until golden and puffed up, turning half way through cooking to ensure the pastry cooks evenly.
  7. Whilst the pastries are cooking, make your coleslaw. Finely shred the cabbage and onion then place in a large bowl. Peel and grate your carrot into your bowl then finely chop the chives and add along with the yogurt and mayonnaise. Give everything a good mix until all the veggies are covered with the dressing.
  8. Serve the Quorn Sausage and bean melts with the coleslaw and a handful of mixed salad leaves.

Tip: 20 minutes cooking time may need to increase based on the size of your air fryer, so increase as needed.